CQI Q Arabica Grader 國際咖啡品質鑑定師

CQI 國際咖啡品質鑑定師 – 中文版請往下看

Q Arabica Grader – by Coffee Quality Institute (CQI). A CQI Q Arabica Grader is an individual who is credentialed by the CQI to grade and score coffees utilizing standards developed by the former Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA), now SCA.

Q-Arabica-Grader_OL_transparentA Q Arabica Grader is a highly trained and calibrated coffee taster who evaluates coffee using SCA cupping standards and protocols. This course consists of two complementary concepts: the first is a 3-day theory of all activities, which is followed by a 3-day series of exams regarding the material presented. Topics covered in this course include:

  • General knowledge
  • Cuppings
  • Triangulations
  • Organic acids in coffee
  • Roast identification
  • Olfactory skills
  • Sensory skills
  • Green and roasted coffee gradings

The course for becoming a Q Arabica Grader prepares participants for the 22 tests they must pass to become a certified Q Grader. The tests relate to an individual’s ability to accurately and consistently cup and grade coffee according to SCA cupping and grading standards and protocols, including a thorough understanding of the SCA cupping form. These tests include all topics covered above; and a general knowledge written exam (in the form of multiple choice).

A student who passes these tests is given a professional license as a Q Grader. This license must be renewed every 3 years by attending a Q Grader calibration to ensure the Q Grader is up-to-date and calibrated.

** Applicants enrolling this course will have priority in the next Q for all retakes.

This course requires a minimum of 6 students and it runs from 09:30 – 18:00 daily.

13-18 Mar 2024 (6 days) HKD 23,500 (early bird on/before 7 Feb 2024) Or HKD 25,000 (after 7 Feb 2024)
Enrollment start date: 13 Dec 2023
Enrollment deadline: 7 Feb 2024 (enrollment will close once full)

Enquiry -> Whatsapp +852-55413579 | info@coffeelabasia.com 

For next available Q Grader or Q calibration course, click 這裡

CQI Q-Grader 證書是國際咖啡質量研究所 CQI(咖啡質量研究所)認證的咖啡質量鑑定師資格證書。CQI是所非營利機構,為促進全球咖啡質量和咖農生活水平的提高。CQI 向廣大咖啡 生產者及產業鏈中的其他個人或團體提供培訓和技術支持,從而實現咖啡實現增產增值及可持續發展。同時促進咖啡生產國基礎設施建設,提高咖啡品質,提高咖農收入。

Q-Grader 是目前世界上最嚴格的咖啡感官測試系統之一,與普通的咖啡師認證不同,Q-Grader 更偏重咖啡杯測,生熟豆檢測,咖啡烘焙檢測,及感官評價等,因此對 Q-Grader持有者提出了更高層次的要求。六天課程首三天為上課及訓練,後三天為考試。

Q-Grader 是國際承認並通用的咖啡品鑑標準,從咖啡種植者、咖啡貿易商、咖啡教育培訓咖啡師到咖啡飲用者,都適用這一標準(共同語言)來評測咖啡品質,通過專業訓練,讓學員能夠具備品鑑咖啡品質與風味的能力。整個課程和考試的目標是打造具有專業水準的國際咖啡品質鑑定師,及能使用科學的方法準確評估咖啡質量及所屬等級。


  • – 4大咖啡杯測(水洗丶非洲丶日曬丶亞洲)
  • – 4大咖啡三角杯測(水洗丶非洲丶日曬丶亞洲)
  • 咖啡烘焙檢測
  • 咖啡生豆及熟豆分級辨識
  • 嗅覺感官測試
  • 味覺感官測試
  • 有機酸
  • 基本知識筆試 (100題選擇題)


下次開課日期, 請點擊 –> 這裏 <–

2024年03月13日〜18日 HKD 23,500 (2024年02月07日 前) Q課報名查詢: Whatsapp +852-55413579 | info@coffeelabasia.com
