Modified SCA Cupping Protocol

In response to COVID-19 and everybody’s health, we have adopted the modified cupping protocol from SCA for all our courses to ensure hygiene and to avoid cross contamination. At the same time, all equipment will be sanitized before use.

This modified approach is quoted below. It can also be downloaded from

我們所有課程現已實行精品咖啡協會(SCA)改良版杯測形式 ,中文版請往下看

  • Provide each cupping participant with a cupping spoon and an individual shot glass upon arrival. Note: The spoon should not touch your mouth or drinking cup. 
  • Place sample cups on cupping tables; a lead should clear the crust with a clean spoon. 
  • Approach the cupping bowl with your spoon and spoon a sample from the bowl into your shot glass. 
  • Taste directly from your shot glass. The spoon will not be used for tasting, only to transfer the sample to individual cups. Don’t forget, the spoon should not touch your mouth or drinking cup. 
  • Provide hot water and dump buckets in between samples for rinsing coffee out of the shot glasses. 
  • In between samples, rinse spoons in a rinse cup. Remember, spoons should only be used for transferring coffee. 
  • Backup spoons and cups should be made available for those who might need a replacement during the cupping. 
  • Sanitize cupping table surfaces in between sessions.
  • 杯測前,工作人員會向每一位參與者分發一支杯測勺和一只玻璃濃縮咖啡杯
  • 杯測碗將放置在杯測桌上,破渣和撈渣將由工作人員用清潔並已經消毒的杯測勺完成
  • 杯測時,參與者將被要求用杯測勺舀取咖啡液至濃縮杯中,並使用濃縮杯進行品嚐。杯測勺不得與參與者口腔或濃縮杯接觸
  • 工作人員將提供熱水和廢水桶供清洗濃縮杯用
  • 工作人員會將準備備用杯測勺以供替換用
  • 兩場杯測之間將安排杯測桌消毒

Modified SCA cupping protocol

Modified SCA Cupping Protocol
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